At what age should kids start golf lessons?

If you have a great love of golf, you probably want to share the experience with your kids. Golf is the perfect sport for learning concentration, patience, and discipline, and can even teach valuable life lessons to children. It’s a sport that anyone at any age can enjoy. 

​We’ll take a look at what age kids can start golf lessons and give guidelines for each age group. We’ll also provide you with some resources for finding golf lessons for kids, along with all the ways kids can benefit from this fantastic sport. 

At What Age Should Kids Start Golf Lessons?

​At what age a child can start kids golf lessons will vary depending on the coaches in your area. Many coaches will take children as young as five, and other programs have higher age minimums. As soon as a child starts to show interest in golf is the best time to start teaching them how to play.

You can introduce a child as young as three to golf, and they can begin learning at home or by playing mini-golf. For older kids, there are even academies and boarding schools if the sport becomes a real passion.

3 to 5-year-olds

​Children between the ages of three to five should be allowed to use golf freely as a form of play and fun. It’s important that this age group not be given too much technical instruction. If you push, they may lose interest. 

You should provide them with the right size club and show them how to hold it. Spend time with them hitting balls around the yard and riding around in golf carts.

5 to 10-year-olds

​By the age of five, children may be able to join in on kids’ golf lessons, individually or in a group. Group lessons are a good start and will teach them etiquette and sportsmanship. 
Now is the time to make sure they don’t start to develop bad habits that they’ll have to work to undo later. Patience here will be necessary.

If they’re interested in other sports too, it’s essential not to limit them to just golf at this age. If their interest in golf continues to grow, they can specialize as they get a bit older.

10 to 14-year olds

​For kids with keen interest, this age group can start to see benefits from individual junior golf lessons. This age group is when kids will also begin to transition from kids clubs to adult clubs.
Kids in this age group can also enjoy more options for golf programs, summer camps, and academies. 

14 and older

​Junior golfers aged fourteen and older will benefit the most from individual junior golf lessons, as they will generally have a greater attention span and stronger desire to learn. 

​There are many advanced options for golf lessons for juniors that they can now participate in at this age. There are numerous programs available for this age group if teenagers want to start learning to golf competitively.

Benefits of Golf Lessons for Kids

​Playing golf is great fun, and children who play may only notice how much fun they’re having. But golf also provides many other benefits and can instill important qualities in children that will serve them well in adulthood. 

Learning golf takes excellent discipline. Children will swing and miss far more often than they hit it in the beginning. Golfing requires concentration and patience, and practicing these skills will prepare them for tough tasks throughout life. 

Golfers are usually responsible for keeping track of their scores. Often, kids will have to keep track of their numbers, too, which means they must also learn to be honest. 

Golfing is a fun way to be active and get healthy exercise. It’s also one of the few sports that is gentle enough on the body that kids may be able to play for the rest of their lives. The fluid movements used are one of the reasons golf is popular among senior citizens.


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